Herzlich Willkommen bei Flontex Europa

FLONTEX EUROPA Sp. z o.o. was found in 2000. Our company is located in Bytom, 6 Świętej Elżbiety Street, Poland. The Chief Operating Officer is Ireneusz Kotkowski, the Production Director is Piotr Poradzisz.

The main activity of FLONTEX EUROPA Sp. z o.o. is the fabrication of tensile architecture (roofing, roofing components and facades) made of technical fabric.

We use PTFE glass fabric, PVC coated polyester fabric, ETFE films and other technical fabric for production.

Poradzisz Piotr

Poradzisz Piotr

Mobil: +48 695 132 402
E-Mail: piotr.poradzisz@flontex.pl

Kotkowski Ireneusz

Kotkowski Ireneusz

Mobil: +48 607 359 111
E-Mail: irek.kotkowski@flontex.pl